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17 octubre 2024 |
Managing the impacts of extreme climatic events related to inputs of organic matter on the ecosystem services provided by water supply reservoirs |
Munthali, Elias
4 juny 2021 |
Mediterranean macroalgal forests under threat: the effects of ongoing climate change and design of restoration methods |
Verdura Brugarola, Jana
13 març 2020 |
Metacommunities and biodiversity patterns in Mediterranean temporary ponds: the role of pond size, network connectivity and dispersal mode |
Tornero Pinilla, Irene
18 maig 2018 |
Microbial community assembly and biogeography in the Pyrenean lacustrine district |
Ortiz Álvarez, Rüdiger
20 desembre 2019 |
Multiple stressor effects on river biofilm communities: from community composition to ecosystem processes using experimental mesocosms |
Romero Blanch, Ferran
4 octubre 2013 |
Nitrate groundwater pollution and aquifer vulnerability: the case of the Osona region |
Boy Roura, Mercè
Nitrate groundwater pollution and aquifer vulnerability: the case of the Osona region |
Boy Roura, Mercè
4 octubre 2013 |
Nitrate groundwater pollution and aquifer vulnerability: the case of the Osona region |
Boy Roura, Mercè
O potencial didático das imagens geocientíficas em livros de textos do ensino secundário: representação da dinâmica interna da terra |
Souza, Edson Roberto da
29 juliol 2015 |
O potencial didático das imagens geocientíficas em livros de textos do ensino secundário: representação da dinâmica interna da terra |
Souza, Edson Roberto da
12 abril 2016 |
Pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors: accumulation in aquatic biota and environmental effects |
Huerta Buitrago, Belinda
Pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors: accumulation in aquatic biota and environmental effects |
Huerta Buitrago, Belinda
9 setembre 2020 |
Radiación ultravioleta y sequía: efectos sobre la fisiología y la descomposición de hojarasca de especies arbustivas mediterráneas en el contexto del cambio climático |
Rodríguez Hidalgo, Claudia Marina
10 juny 2003 |
Reintroduction of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Muga and Fluvià basins (north-eastern Spain): viability, development, monitoring and trends of the new population |
Saavedra Bendito, Deli
Reintroduction of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Muga and Fluvià basins (north-eastern Spain): viability, development, monitoring and trends of the new population |
Saavedra Bendito, Deli
10 juny 2003 |
Reintroduction of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) in Muga and Fluvià basins (north-eastern Spain): viability, development, monitoring and trends of the new population |
Saavedra Bendito, Deli
29 novembre 2013 |
Reproducció i desenvolupament de la mallerenga blava (Cyanistes caeruleus): conseqüències de la invasió de la formiga argentina (Linepithema humile) en la xarxa tròfica del bosc mediterrani |
Estany-Tigerström, David
Reproducció i desenvolupament de la mallerenga blava (Cyanistes caeruleus): conseqüències de la invasió de la formiga argentina (Linepithema humile) en la xarxa tròfica del bosc mediterrani |
Estany-Tigerström, David
29 novembre 2013 |
Reproducció i desenvolupament de la mallerenga blava (Cyanistes caeruleus): conseqüències de la invasió de la formiga argentina (Linepithema humile) en la xarxa tròfica del bosc mediterrani |
Estany-Tigerström, David
10 abril 2019 |
Reproductive and condition status of “cold water” marine fish: new insights from a changing environment |
Serrat Llinàs, Alba
21 febrer 2020 |
Resilience of aquatic metacommunities: implications for disturbance recovery |
Cunillera-Montcusí, David
8 març 2002 |
Signal processing of microstructure profiles: integrating turbulent spatial scales in aquatic ecological modeling |
Piera Fernández, Jaume
8 març 2002 |
Signal processing of microstructure profiles: integrating turbulent spatial scales in aquatic ecological modeling |
Piera Fernàndez, Jaume
Signal processing of microstructure profiles: integrating turbulent spatial scales in aquatic ecological modeling |
Piera Fernàndez, Jaume
12 gener 1995 |
Sistema radicular de Quercus suber: estructura i desenvolupament |
Verdaguer Murlà, Dolors